Share Your Story

SELAH is an online magazine that centres on Singaporean angles of Christ-inspired living. We hope to share a gamut of stories which illuminate faith, culture and life. Submissions open year-round. We do everything we can to minimise response time, but do give us at least 2 months from the day of receipt. We are intentional in ensuring every submission is carefully considered or edited before responding.


Our mission is to inspire our readers to pause and reflect on narratives that emerge from experience, rather than what we have heard or been taught. There is therefore an emphasis on a particular personal experience and its struggle, followed by the hope and truth that was discovered at the illuminated end of the tunnel.

Some technicalities:

  • Word count for articles submitted should be within 900–1200 words
  • Articles should be written in first person
  • Target audience age range: 18–30 years old
  • Highly practical and theologically accessible articles are appreciated
  • Please provide a title and subtitle for your article
  • Suggested feature image is optional; submitted graphics or photos should at least be 1024 px by 800 px
  • Articles should not have been published elsewhere


We are looking for poems that move us, show us we are human, or teach us something new. More importantly, we love poems that confess of how God is evident in your life, whether through delight or despondency.

Some technicalities:

  • We accept poems of any length
  • You can send up to four poems at a time
  • Both free verse and traditional forms will be accepted
  • Please provide a title for your poem
  • Suggested feature image is optional; submitted graphics or photos should at least be 1024 px by 800 px
  • Poem(s) should not have been published elsewhere


We are looking for a series of images that tells a larger story — be it of faith, life, or culture. The submitted images should centre around a riveting theme and should reveal your personal thoughts on the subject matter.

Your photo journal entry should include the following:

  • A proposed title
  • A short introductory paragraph (up to 150 words)
  • A set of 6-10 images, with individual titles and/or captions (up to 50 words each)

Images should:

  • be of high resolution and of best possible quality
  • be in JPEG format and optimised for web at 150dpi
  • not have been published elsewhere
  • not contain watermarks (appropriate credit will be given to the artist)

At SELAH, we honour the rights of every creative. As such, the submitted images will be used solely for the publication of the photo journal across all of SELAH’s media platforms. The artist retains the rights to all the images; appropriate permission will be sought by SELAH should they be used outside of the photo journal publication.

If you would like to join us in this collective effort to create a montage of Singaporean stories that find God speaking in life and culture, do send in your pitch or story to Feel free to drop us a note if you’re uncertain of the submission guidelines!

Everyone has a story and we cannot wait to hear yours.

#selahsg #pauseandrealign