The Gift

Written by: Sabrina Ng (Photo by: Zann Lee)

A tear rolled down His face
He wiped it with His hands
that longed to embrace
and to extend a gift
A gift marked with love
and perfection

But the boy didn’t see the tears
He only saw the hands
that dictated and withheld
what he felt was his
His — that he earned
and was due to him

He tugged and he pulled
At the gift held in those hands
Angry and heartbroken
That the hands did not let it go

His hands felt the tugging
And the constant pleading
He cringed and turned His face away
As He saw him kneel to beg

With tears in His eyes
He relented and released
Released the gift
that was meant to be given
He had made preparations
How He would present the gift
He had longed to see
The surprise and wonder on his face
He had longed to hear
The praises and shouts of joy that would follow

But the boy never knew
He never stopped
To listen to His heart
To enquire of His mind
To look into His eyes
Where he would see the gift
The gift that was to be given

SABRINA is a dreamer who needs Jesus to keep her feet on the ground. When on the ground, she enjoys trekking and discovering the wonders of His creation. Find snippets of her journey @sabbiness.


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