The Ideal One

Written by: Amanda Teo (Photo by: Marvin Ng)

Who has God in store for you?

We were all cramped in my friend’s living room, snuggled on the sofa, with cushions on our laps. It had became a bi-weekly routine to stay-over at each other’s homes. The lazy nights would stretch into hazy mornings, and we would often end up talking about the criteria of our ideal partners amongst other topics.

My friends knew me to be the one who would ask invasive and frequently awkward questions like: “what do you look for in a your ideal partner?”, “who would be the closest match to your ideal person?”, “who was the last person you liked?” Growing up, I was fascinated with the idea of love and romance, and I longed to know more.

We were all at the age where the idea of getting into a relationship was intriguing and exciting. It was unchartered territory, like new ground waiting to be broken. It was a topic that we never grew tired of talking about, in fact, every conversation grew in depth and heart.

Yet beyond the idea of romance, something ran deeper for me — The List.

Although I was always the one asking questions about my friends’ ideal persons, I had never really believed in coming up with a list of ideal characteristics. Because to me, that was ideal…unrealistic at best. I felt that the list was a mere construction, not something I should live by. I didn’t see the need for and importance of that list, until my uncle spoke to me one fateful December night.

He asked me: “so my dear girl, what do you look for in a guy?” I explained that I never saw a need in crafting long, idealistic lists of things. What’s the point anyway? It’s not like I’m going to find someone that perfect. He, in turn, explained the importance of it, and it actually made sense. I was wrong.

The point of a list isn’t meant for you to dream of prince charming (or princess, but for convenience sake, the male species will be addressed as the ideal person), but it is to draw you closer to God, to gain clarity of His desires for you.

Here are three steps to knowing who you should be looking out for:

1. Pray and wait on God for The List

2. Be accountable

3. Keep a look-out whilst staying focused on God

The beauty of praying and waiting on God for the list is that instead of the criteria bring centred around selfish and personal desires, they’ll be centred around the Father’s desires for you. The criteria can range from his calling to the specificity of his personality, from his looks to his habits. They are secrets which God will whisper to you over time, in His gracious attempt to help you look out for the type of person He intends for you.

Step 1 could take awhile, maybe longer than you expect. In fact, I’ve been seriously praying about it for about a year and a half now, and I’ve only got five things on my list. It is very crucial to keep in mind that the motive behind seeking God about this list is not to jot down what you want, but to write down what He wants for you. So wait on Him, He’ll reveal it to you.

The list does not merely contain the criteria of your future partner though, it should include what God wants in you for him as well. Pray and wait on God for what He is doing in you. It could be boundaries He wants you to keep, the moulding and shaping of your personality, or a change in your bad habits. As much as God is preparing a guy for you, He is also preparing you for him too.

Once you have got one or a few things written down, commit to God and sustain it in prayer. It is good to write it down, and if need be, share it with a close friend of the same gender. Having an accountability partner keeps you dedicated to your prayers and helps to build spiritual support. There is nothing quite like a friend who journeys with you.

When you have gained a clearer idea of what God has for you, it will keep you focused on looking out for a guy that God wants for you; instead of getting distracted by any handsome face or kind-hearted soul. Because ultimately, as much as love brings us joy and all that warm and fuzzy feelings, marriage is for and about God. So keep your eyes and heart on the one true Lover, and trust in His timing for you.

Wait. True love waits, and surely, the wait is worth it.

AMANDA'S heart longs to see true worship, identity, and the pursuit of purity restored in the Singaporean body of Christ. She enjoys taking walks in the park, and the traditional $1 atap seed ice cream cone is one of the best local desserts to her. She often processes her days and moments through handlettering and poetry — read more @byamandagrace.


  1. Andre

    16 February

    Wow, love what you shared on gaining clarity about God’s desires, as well as the encouragement to seek and wait. Keep writing and sharing, Amanda.

    This popular quote seems to be making its way around.
    ‘A woman’s heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her.’ (Max Lucado)
    Although that phrase can be warped in multiple ways, the point is that there should be this pursuit for God. The great thing about spending time with God is that the Holy Spirit will convict and draw attention to growth areas in our lives in the persistent journey to be Christ-like.

    Andy Stanley phrases it in a most wonderful way: Are you who the person you are looking for is looking for?

    • Amanda Teo

      18 February

      Hi Andre,
      Thank you for your encouragement. (: And yes, the pursuit of God is the beauty in any relationship indeed.
      Thank you for your support.
      – Amanda & The SELAH Team

  2. Persis

    17 February

    Love this article! It provides such a fresh & much-needed perspective on dating & relationships.

    • Amanda Teo

      18 February

      Hey Persis,
      Thank you so much! (: God is the mastermind behind every revelation aye, haha. YAY GOD.
      – Amanda & The SELAH Team

  3. kenneth

    17 February

    A very good read Amanda!

    • Amanda Teo

      18 February

      Hey Kenneth,
      Thank you so much (:
      – Amanda & The SELAH Team

  4. Abigail wee

    18 February

    Hey Amanda this help me a lot and You know how this age girls are more into BGR I’ve always ask God when am I gonna be in a relationship I always felt so alone like I always wanted a guy so badly and I always ask myself whenever I watch those love story movie I always forget mine is written by God and I always have the habit to keep asking God when God are you gonna give me that so called ” Perfect ” guy Amanda pls pray for me

    • Amanda Teo

      13 April

      Hey Abigail,
      I prayed for you, and I saw an image of a mirror. I feel like God is saying that as daughter of the King, let us discover and grow in our identity in Him, to look into the mirror and see what He sees about you, and to grow in confidence of who you are as a child of God.
      The focus really was not on a guy or love, but for now, in the season you are in, find yourself in Him. (:

  5. Chelsea

    19 February

    Such a good read sis! Thanking God for friends like you who continue to guide and inspire me and so many others out there!! (PS. whose hand are you holding in that picture?!)

    • Amanda Teo

      13 April

      Hey Chels,

      Thank you! (: And that ain’t my hand, my dear. Haha.

  6. Bryan

    30 March

    Hi Amanda, just wanted to know, what are your views on a Christian dating a non christian? Yes I know that your partner should be someone God has chosen for you but what if your current partner isn’t a Christian?

    • Amanda Teo

      13 April

      Hi Bryan,
      I can’t speak on behalf of the christian community or even for SELAH, but personally, this is my take –

      Two main points:
      1. God isn’t limited by our circumstance. So if you love God wholeheartedly, He will work all things out for you according to His plans and time. (i.e. My mom was a Christian, and my dad was not when they were dating. But both came to know Christ before they got married. Of course, I’ve also witnessed couples break up because of their differences in faith and values as the Holy Spirit led the believer)

      2. God over self. Place God ahead of the relationship and weigh its importance to you. I believe that God should always come before any human or thing. I had a friend whose girlfriend told him, “if you love God more than me, I can’t be with you”, and he did love God more than her. He loved her by not leading her on because he knew that it would not work out at that point in time. He loved her by speaking the truth of what he believed in, and by standing up for his faith.

      But I do believe that God brings us all on different paths and choices, and I’ve seen couples whom people put down and despise, come through in victory and love (though their journey was a pretty difficult one). And it is never legalistic. But do walk in obedience to the Holy Spirit. (:

      I hope that gave you some perspective on this.
      Email us if you’ve any other thoughts and questions. (:

  7. Estelle Kiora

    24 September

    This is brilliant, thank you for the revelation. All the people I’ve walked with (including those who are married) have told me to make a list, but no one ever mentioned that the list should be GOD’S VERSION – not ours. This makes so much (kingdom) sense though! I sometimes make the worst decisions. Sometimes, we can be our own worst enemies. I better hand over the list-making to Him :)

    • Amanda Teo

      29 May

      Hi Estelle,
      My apologies for not replying your comment for almost 2 years now. But I hope your list-making with God has been a fruitful one since, and I’m so happy to know that this all made sense to you too. (: God bless you!

  8. Willch

    6 February

    As I looked at what Joseph shared in the latest post.. I clicked on this article since its related.. and indeed it did relate to me in this period of time.

    Yes, it’s incredibly important to wait for God to tell us, and having the patience to wait for it, is also a test and season to transform us.

    However, what I am afraid is that because of how busy we are, a generation who snaps their fingers and expect an answer immediately, we are in a hurried state and ended up having pre or misconception of what we look for in a future partner, more often than not, placing the criteria of a particular person into the list because well, we have some sort of liking towards that person..

    Your article 3 years back has once again realign me back to what I need to do. Thank you and God bless the team!

    • Amanda Teo

      29 May

      Dear Willch,
      Thank you for sharing your journey. It is so true to say that God grows us in patience during such seasons, and it truly transforms and tests us. Another revelation I had was that marriage isn’t our right, instead it is God’s blessing and a calling for life. Even as we seek after a relationship/marriage, we need to recognise that more than it is about us, it is ultimately about God and His purposes.
      I am blessed to know that what God laid on my heart many years ago is strengthening you in this season. Almost 4 months since you left this comment, and I hope that you’ve received fresh revelation from the Lord and a realignment to His heart for you.
      God bless!

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