Voting Wisely

Voting Wisely

Written by: Rev. Dr. Daniel K. S. Koh (Photo by: Ronald Lim)

A prayer for Election Day

O Lord of states and nations,

as we prepare to cast our votes

for politicians and political parties

to manage the affairs of the state;


Help us to choose candidates with integrity of character,

candidates who are guided by social justice,

candidates who gladly serve, not for pay, perks, or position,

but because they care and count it as a responsibility and privilege to serve.


Grant us wisdom and discernment

to look beyond shallow rhetoric,

empty promises, and vain threats,

to choose the right candidates

to provide political leadership in the next 5 years.


When we are attracted by smooth talks and sweet words of political spin-doctors

or distracted by the cacophony of claims and pledges;

allegations and counter-allegations;

help us to be fair in our assessment

and give us clarity of mind to see what is best for our community,

not so much to benefit more of those who already have a bigger bite of the economic cake,

but more so for the benefit of those who are struggling in life,

and whose well-beings are so easily brushed aside, ignored, and forsaken.


Take away our personal inclination

and the inclination of politicians and political parties to seek after self-interest

so that we will choose leaders who will serve the common good.


Give us courage and conviction

to choose the leaders of your choice

of men and women

from whatever party

ruling or opposing

who love justice and righteousness;

who care for the poor and powerless;

who will introduce policies that will contribute to human well-being

for the glory of your Name.


[author] [author_image timthumb=’off’][/author_image] [author_info]DANIEL is a Methodist pastor, theologian, and social ethicist. He is concerned about relating faith to the socio-political issues of our time.[/author_info] [/author]

DANIEL is a Methodist pastor, theologian, and social ethicist. He is concerned about relating faith to the socio-political issues of our time.

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